Friday, September 9, 2016

                                       Visiable result in a week    在一个星期达到的效果

PHENYLETHYL RESORCINOL: Potent skin lightener and anti-oxidant that is non-irritating with extremely low cytotoxicity. Studies demonstrate it has in vitro anti-oxidant efficacy equivalent to Alpha Tocopherol (Vit. E). Effectiveness Study conducted on 12 Asian subjects (skin type III) showed 0.5% Phenylethyl Resorcinal more effective than 1.0% Kojic Acid. Conclusion Phenylethyl Resorcinol is a synthetic compound partly derived from natural lightening compounds in scotch pine bark. proven effective at brightening skin without harmful side effects.
苯乙基间苯二酚,这个成分是中国SFDA被当作新原料申请使用并通过的仅有的几个新原料之一。 不仅如此,苯乙基间苯二酚的美白测试数据证明为活性最高的酪氨酸酶抑制剂之一,是曲酸的22倍;有效抑制B16V细胞合成黑色素的活性,是曲酸的210倍。它能改善肤色不均,降低紫外线照射肌肤引起的皮肤着色。同时苯乙基间苯二酚是一款优秀的抗氧剂并且具有抗皱能力。
Cyclohexanediol bis-ethylhexanoate inhibits melanogenesis of murine B16 melanoma and UV-induced pigmentation in human skin.
The role of cyclohexane diester analogues in the formation of melanin has been recently reported. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effect of cyclohexanediol bis-ethylhexanoate (CHEH) on melanogenesis in B16 melanoma cells and on UV-B-induced pigmentation in human skin. CHEH significantly reduced the melanin content in a dose-dependent manner, without cytotoxic effects at the effective concentrations. Moreover, CHEH dose-dependently inhibited tyrosinase activity in B16 melanoma cells, as confirmed by Western blot analysis of the tyrosinase protein levels. However, tyrosinase transcript levels remained unchanged under the same experimental conditions. These results indicate that CHEH inhibited melanogenesis in B16 melanoma cells by regulating tyrosinase activity at the post-transcriptional level. On the other hand, in a cell-free system, CHEH did not inhibit tyrosinase activity. This indicated that CHEH suppressed the pigmentation of melanocytes by indirectly.

Cyclohexanediol bis-ethylhexanoate以藥品發展常用的QSAR系統發展出來的美白活性成分。
獨特的美白機制,針對PKC-β(Protein Kinase C, 蛋白激酶C-β),而間接抑制酪胺酸酶活性。
治疗目标 :淡化色斑。油容性,易於使用,安定性佳


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